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Discover what you stand for 



My media industry stands for confidence. Throughout this site you'll find different snips about who I am. Some of this was easy to tell you and some wasn't. At the end of the day telling you about myself and designing this site has boosted my confidence and let me walk a little taller. Looking around you'll learn who I am and what I stand for. I have LOVED sharing this with you guys and hope some of you feel inspired to take a leap of faith and discover the confidence I've found through my site!


What I've grown to know is confident people move mountains. The most important thing to realize is beauty comes from within, feeling good about yourself shows! My brand not only promotes confidence but self awareness. Bettering yourself through organization and a healthy lifestyle really does translate to a happier, more confident you! This year I've started journaling and tracking my diet, exercise and mental health. My goal with this was not to lose weigh it was to simply reflect. Personally I like to look back at the beach or another peaceful place so I have a clear mind and can make sound decisions about what I want and what's best for me. Check out a few of my inspirations for partnering with YOU MEDIA below!

Bottom line


This is not just some ploy to get you to buy something. In fact we don't want you to buy anything! we want you to be confident and love yourself, were just here to guide you through what's worked for us. Take a look around my site and see how far I've come! Readers can expect to see me at my best and worst times, I'm giving you guys my all. My brand is all about growing to be more confident. My industry stands for you. My question to you is what will you do for yourself?

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