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Grey's Anatomy 

Season 2 Episode 27

For project one I have chosen to analyze one Grey's Anatomy episode. Grey's is the critically acclaimed tv drama about surgeons and their lives. My main research question is:What is the procedure for procuring an organ and how does Grey's Anatomy utilize and manipulate that procedure to create drama? I was drawn to this narrative because of the medicine in the show. I could instantly feel inspired to pursue a career that helps people. Grey's Anatomy stood out to me because the main characters seemed to be regular people who were extremely passionate about their professions. Throughout the show the audience falls in love with the couples and their extraordinary jobs. Throughout the 15 seasons of Grey's Anatomy the cast experiences many ups and downs that are so easy to get caught up in, therefore I have specifically chosen to focus on Season 2, episode 27 : Losing my Religion.  The show's creators do an excellent job posing moral questions in this episode, such as; Are Izzy Stephen's actions morally correct or did she do more harm than good? Grey's can be accessed through Netflix or Hulu which can be downloaded through most phones and computers. The show also appears on ABC on Thursday nights. My brand is all about being yourself, however a huge part of me is also a student. This means that I am constantly learning and changing my thought processes. My main interest is in helping people live better healthier lives. This show engulfs helping other and learning to adapt. To a new viewer the characters may seem obsessed with themselves and their ability to become a surgeon, however it is so much more than that. My brand's soul focus is on confidence and Greys' Anatomy showcases how confidence effects your lifestyle. My research question is: What is the procedure for procuring an organ and how does Grey's Anatomy utilize and manipulate that procedure to create drama? Through tertiary research I have learned that Grey's has uncovered many ethical questions in the real world regarding organ donation. Peer reviewed essays and journals have revealed that if the show is supposed to resemble real life scenarios, do their own doctors mindlessly perform surgeries like organ procuration. A highly debated topic among my peers and in my community is whether or not this actually happens in the real world. In other words, "how much did the writers exaggerate the medical world?" (1) There is no doubt in my mind that this is a thrilling show that keeps you on the edge of your seat at all times. With 15 seasons of action-packed episodes there's always something to get excited about. The interactions of these surgeons raises many questions about how far doctors should be allowed to go for their patients. This TV show does an excellent job of showing all of the hard work and schooling that doctors and nurses put themselves through in order to give patients the best care they need. Grey's also does a fantastic job at throwing real life relationship struggles into an already complicated work enviornment, keeping viewers across the world enthralled.  

About Grey's


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